Sean Paxton & Brooks Paxton aka the Shark Brothers
Tournament & Format Creators, Directors, Research & Education Coordinators,
Executive Producers and Hosts

Living the wild life has been a longtime family business for these outdoor adventure junkies, performers and filmmakers. From swimming with sharks outside the cage to the bright lights of a rock and roll stage, the Shark Brothers and their family have always been wild by nature. It's what drives their work on both sides of the camera.

Brooks Paxton (left) and Sean Paxton aka the Shark Brothers


So what's with the nickname?

"It was given to us in the early 2000's by the media in response to the work we were doing. We've chalked it up to being an occupational hazard of sorts. Among the many other projects we're involved with, sharks have always been circling our waters. Along the way, we've chalked up some pioneering firsts and major achievements, while establishing some pretty wide-reaching and long-standing trends on an international level, with regard to the sustainable management and public perception of these animals so the nickname makes sense."

How did you first get interested in sharks and shark fishing?

"For us, it all started when we saw the movie, JAWS, as kids. Our initial fear soon turned to a fascination and respect for these animals and their marine habitats. That changed everything for us and we never lost our passion for exploration, adventure and interacting with wildlife."

Eventually those interests merged with their professional ventures and resulted in pioneering events like the Ultimate Shark Challenge and its innovative tournament format, which featured, best practice protocols for releasing sharks, live steaming of the competition and satellite tagging to a stadium-sized Jumbotron for thousands of fans and festival-goers. In the years since, they've been recognized for numerous related achievements including the creation and launch of the first and only organization to promote and certify world records for released sharks, the International Land-Based Shark Fishing Association (ILSFA). They've also responded to requests from as far away as Argentina, Ocean City, MD and Long Island to personally integrate the Ultimate Shark Challenge format into events there, resulting in unprecedented success for tournaments such as the Shark's Eye in Montauk, NY.

To contact the Brothers directly or to see more about these and many other collaborative success stories, visit their website

The brothers would also like to acknowledge and thank Capt. Robert Moore of Port Charlotte, FL for his important role as Co-Director in the inaugural and 2011 Ultimate Shark Challenge events. "His expertise, dedication and friendship made all the difference and we wish him the best of luck in all his future ventures". Sean & Brooks Paxton