Advancing the Science of the Sea Since 1955

The USC is extremely proud of its science and research partnership with The Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation, Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium and the Mote Center for Shark Research (CSR). We worked closely with the CSR's Director, Robert E. Hueter, Ph.D., from the very beginning, and are excited about the critical role his research objectives will play in carrying out the USC's vision and mission to effectively combine the goals of recreational angling, science and conservation. We encourage everyone to support the important work that's being done at Mote, and to visit there whenever you find yourself in the southwest Florida area.

The Center conducts three major research programs:

- Marine Biomedical Research
- Marine Immunology
- Shark Biology

The center's mission is to conduct leading scientific studies on all aspects of the biology of sharks and their relatives, the skates and rays, with an emphasis on their role as important marine resources.

By studying these animals in natural habitats around the world as well as under controlled conditions in the laboratory, the center's research provides critical information on the adaptations, resource value and conservation status of shark, skate and ray species.

In addition to disseminating these research results to the scientific community, the Center for Shark Research is dedicated to enhancing public understanding and awareness of these animals by communicating scientific information to policy makers, educational institutions, the media and the general public.

For More Information, Please Visit Center for Shark Research

Tournament Directors and Research Coordinators, Brooks Paxton II (left), and Sean Paxton (right) enjoy a visit with Dr. Eugenie Clark (The Shark Lady) at Mote's Center for Shark Research

L - R: Robert E. Hueter Ph D., Brooks Paxton II and Sean Paxton with one type of satellite tracking tag proposed for use in the Guy Harvey Ultimate Shark Challenge